Its mostly text forum, image can be posted only if necessary. Video posting and attachment are disabled.
It's a little more complicated than that.
You mention" new topic" and "reply" but it also needs "edit" and what when a post containing an image is quoted: would moderation then still be required.
Then there's also the attachment feature, bypassing the BBcode.
Honestly ... keep it simple. Reprimand rule breakers but don't irritate your trusted users by imposing a limitation which is usually unnecessary.
BTW ABBCodeBox allows limiting the use of specific BBcodes to specific groups.
I'm just trying to be a little worry free.
I dont know how editing internally works and how it will affect, but editing of post is limited to 10 mins only. So whatever is quoted later will be same. I thought, controlling text (i.e. BBCode) would be less complicated than controlling image posting.
You mention" new topic" and "reply" but it also needs "edit" and what when a post containing an image is quoted: would moderation then still be required.
Statistics: Posted by exemplary1 — Thu Feb 29, 2024 1:53 pm