Those proprietary web site services should be avoided like the plague. Most web hosts offer some type of service like that. The issue is you are stuck in their platform. The content belongs to you but the underlying code does not. You can't move the content to another host without starting from scratch and worse case the company folds leaving you with nothing. Even with a backup it's useless because it can't be deployed on another host.
Look into Wordpress or Drupal. These can be moved from one host to the next just like phpBB. They also have similar permission type system. Admins, editors and users for Drupal. Personally I use Drupal but if I understand correctly Wordpress is more user friendly. The one comment I heard from a person familiar with both platforms is it's easier to do easy things with Wordpress but easier to hard things with Drupal.
Look into Wordpress or Drupal. These can be moved from one host to the next just like phpBB. They also have similar permission type system. Admins, editors and users for Drupal. Personally I use Drupal but if I understand correctly Wordpress is more user friendly. The one comment I heard from a person familiar with both platforms is it's easier to do easy things with Wordpress but easier to hard things with Drupal.
Statistics: Posted by thecoalman — Sat Jun 22, 2024 5:38 am